
Space Tourism Multi-Page Website

Frontend Mentor Challenge

the destination page of the space tourism website. The destination shown is Mars

This project is part of the frontend Mentor challenge. The goal of this project was to create a website based on a given design. I did not use any frameworks for this project. The tools used was HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. A second attempt at this challenge will be performed using React and focus on improving the design.

I had made an attempt in the past to complete this challenge, but found the CSS for the responsive navbar challenging. After stepping away to learn more about CSS, I decided to try the challenge again. This current attempt I found to be a better experience since I did not start off coding right away.

Before I attempted to write code, I would start by analyzing the images of the finished product at both mobile and desktop views. From here, I would draw the layout out and look for patterns in the design as well as game plan how I would structure each page. Planning the details out makes writing code much easier. One key takeaway from completing this project is that I need to improve my naming convention and refactor the CSS code to minimize the number of class names and other identifiers used.

A link to the repository can be found here.The actual website can be found here at Space Tourism website.